Prior to Purchasing a New Home Use These Secret Tips

Prior to Purchasing a New Home Use These Secret Tips

What You Should Know Prior to Purchasing a New Home in The SF Bay AreaWhen purchasing a new home … Continue reading

Why do you say Happy Birthday to America?

Happy Birthday America, July 4, 1776

Why do you say Happy Birthday to America? First of all, America was born on July 4, 1776. Accomplished once the Declaration of Independence was … Continue reading

Save time and money when you sell your home fast

You Can Sell Your Home For YOUR Price! How to sell your home in the fastest time with the least amount of effort for the most money.

Redwood City, … Continue reading

How to tell your Mother you love her and know why

Mother’s Day Mother’s Day ~ How It Came About

In the United States, on the second Sunday in May Mother’s Day ~ How It Came About is our annual holiday celebrated by recognizing our Continue reading

Sound Home Financing Information SF Bay Homes

How to buy a home:

Sound home financing information SF Bay Homes starts with the first step in buying a home; getting a pre-approval letter from an established lender of your … Continue reading

President’s Day ~ What Does It Mean in Redwood City

President’s Day ~ What Does It Mean in Redwood City

It’s Spring time again and the first major holiday after the Christmas season is upon us. When I was growing … Continue reading

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