Prior to Purchasing a New Home Use These Secret Tips
What You Should Know Prior to Purchasing a New Home in The SF Bay Area. When purchasing a new home in the SF Bay Area don’t make the mistakes most home buyers make. You can protect yourself from these unnecessary mistakes. Reading this article will be the best 3 minutes you’ll spend in your home buying process.
Know Your Numbers

First of all realize when buying a home with a real estate loan, (sometimes called mortgage), that the loan is based on your ability to repay it in the eyes of your lender. Because of this aspect being out of your control knowing the difference between different real estate loans is paramount.
To understand various types of loan products for homes in communities like Redwood City, CA go to the Fannie Mae website for their loan products or go here for Fixed Rate loans for a complete explanation of fixed rate home loan products. You will find various tools to determine based on your income and assets what amount of real estate loan you will qualify for from the lender of your choice.
Seek Professional Help

Finding a suitable Realtor to help you purchase a home can be the best use of your time, money, and increased knowledge of the home buying process. Not all real estate agents are knowledgeable. You can usually tell these agents by their “commission breath”. They seem to be worried about getting paid and not making sure all your real estate needs are met.
One way to tell a knowledgeable agent from one that is not is by the term Realtor. This mean they’re a member of the National Association of Realtors and subscribe to their Code of Ethics. The Realtor’s Code of Ethics underlining theme can be best explained with this direct quote:
Duties to Clients and Customers
Article 1 (Case Interpretations for Article 1)
When representing a buyer, seller, landlord, tenant, or other client as an agent, REALTORS® pledge themselves to protect and promote the interests of their client. This obligation to the client is primary, but it does not relieve REALTORS® of their obligation to treat all parties honestly. When serving a buyer, seller, landlord, tenant or other party in a non-agency capacity, REALTORS® remain obligated to treat all parties honestly. (Amended 1/01) [listen]
Because of the Code of Ethics, the public has given their trust to Realtors. Here are the current percentages of today’s home buyer; 87% of all home buyers nation-wide use a Realtor. 7% of home buyers buy directly from a home builder.
Besides being a wealth of information for the home buyer Realtors help with finding the right home for them by negotiating the best terms possible, and at the right price.
Search the Market

Once you have determined how much money a lender will loan you and found the Realtor you like and trust you’re ready to start looking for your new home. There’re various ways to do this.
One way is to go to Sunday open houses in Redwood City CA. You can see the weekly Sunday Open Houses by going to my website. This site will be update weekly and will include all the Sunday Open Houses in both San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties aka Silicon Valley.
The second way to search the market is by have your Realtor subscribe you to their program that updates you of new homes that have come on to the market. My program is a good one as it is active and is updated immediate directly from the local Multiple Listing Service (MLS). This means you’ll have the information of a new home on the market at the same time as a Realtor. Here’s the link to an example of Redwood City CA.
If you would like to have this setup so it automatically send this information to you please click the contact link in the menu bar and request to be added to my FREE service. I’ll need name, communities interested in, and email address. You may also leave other information like a phone number if you wish.
What to Do Next?

Take these 3 easy and simple steps to help you purchase your new home.
1. Take out your cell phone
2. Look up my number 650-346-7366
3. Call me immediately
When you call, we will discuss how Cliff Keith and Team can help you with purchasing your home. Put my 44+ years of experience in your corner when it comes to purchasing your biggest asset. Call Cliff Keith today (650) 346-7366.
If you have any questions, or need more detailed information, please give us a call 24/7 to our voicemail; 597-1821, or by text, cell phone during normal business hours 650-346-7366, or email us cliff@sfbayhomes.com.
We’d be happy to answer all your “What ifs”, and/or questions as well as offer you any of the real estate information you want and need.
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Tags: housing, how to buy a home, san carlos homes for sale, SF Bay Homes