Sell your home on TV. It’s FREE!
Sell your home on TV with Cliff Keith of Today Sotheby’s who is the exclusive Realtor in your area. Cliff accomplishes this with the Comcast Spotlight Real Estate program on Xfinity. Because Cliff has been given by Xfinity The Bay Area Top Rated Real Estate Agent Award.
Along with Real Estate Comcast Spotlight your home will be promoted on other well know channels and shows like:
HGTV’s House Hunters
Million Dollar Listing
Property Brothers to name a few.
You may be wondering how your home can be broadcast on so many different cable channels. It is achieved by using a new innovating process known as telescoping technology.
Telescoping technology allows home buyers from across the US and around the World to see your home, 24 hours a day – 7 days a week. This helps keep out “tire-kickers” or the “nosey neighbors” from traipsing through your home. Now you can sell your home on TV. It’s FREE!
To see a quick one minute demonstration video on how your home can be seen on TV for FREE click the following link. Read more…
When you watch the video you will see how today people are changing the way they buy and sell homes. They are now shopping for their home on their television. As a result, you can give your home the marketing advantage not all Realtors can offer. Cliff Keith at Today | Sotheby’s Realty offers telescope technology to his home sellers..
So rather give yourself the added advantage over the competition. When you do, your home will broadcast on over 10 different cable channels. In addition, this includes 100’s of television commercials 24/7! Most of all, each commercial will introduce future home buyers to your home even while you’re asleep.
What to do next?

Pick up your cell phone and call/text or email Today. 650-346-7366. When you do we will discuss how we can help you with your particular real estate needs. Finally, put my 41+ year of experience to work for you with telescoping technology. Only a few selected Realtors have access to this technology. You will need it too in today’s rapid changing real estate market. As always, there is not costs or obligations.
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