Bidding Wars for a home are terrible for buyers.

Bidding Wars for homes in Silicon Valley are still with us. Here’s how to ensure that your offer will be the winning one on your new home. On this blog post you will learn the 15-smart tactics. These tactics will guide you towards success and acceptance of your offer.
Writing an offer doesn’t mean you will own a home.
Too many offers written by other home buyers is not the problem. Having the correct information on what to do is what’s important. Having information of the local real estate market is the key. A great real estate agent is also helpful.
In today’s Silicon Valley’s hot real estate market many home buyers are losing out with the offers they submit. They lose out on buying their new home because of not knowing what is the correct offer to submit.
What to do?
Here’s a video of what I believe are the most important 15-Smart Tactics to use when you submit an offer. Because they will increase your chances of winning those “Bidding Wars”. If you follow these 15-Smart Tactics when you submit and offer. You’re chances of success is increased ten-fold. Use them and get that leg up on your competition. Read more here…
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