Daylight Saving Time – DST
Daylight Saving Time – DST sometimes is called “Summer Time” for it was designed to give a better use of daylight during the summer so farmers would have longer days to do their chores by having daylight later in the evening’s hours. Other reasons for DST it has been linked to fewer car accidents and injuries of people. It’s argued the extra time gives children more time to socialize with their peers and adds value to the tourism industry because it increases the amount of time people can stay outside and spend their money in the various shops of the different communities. During the 1970’s and still today DST was used to save energy to cut the need for lighting the inside of home and business with artificial lighting during the evening hours. The effectiveness of DST has been a subject of debate for years and there still is not an answer as to if DST benefits energy savings or not. Even so, some Countries including the United States have increased DST one month in both spring and fall since 2007.

You can credit our beloved American Benjamin Franklin for DST when in 1784 he suggested DST. However, the modern DST did not get proposed until 1895 to the Wellington Philosophical Society by a New Zealand entomologist George Vernon Hudson proposing a two-hour daylight saving shift. There was a time in American history where daylight savings time lasted more than a summer. Between February 3, 1942 and September 30 1945, which was during WWII the United States had DST all year-long in most parts, it was called “War Time”.

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