What Is a Property Inspection?
Redwood City real estate asks the question:
What is a home inspection?

A home inspection is a thorough visual examination of the condition of the home and property on a given date.
The process usually takes two to three hours, during which time the house is examined from the ground up. The inspection includes observation and, when right, operation of the plumbing, heating, air conditioning, electrical, and built-in appliance systems, as well as structural components: roof, attic, foundation, basement, exterior and interior walls, chimney, doors etc. When conducted by a professional, a home inspection covers about 1,000 check-points in about 400 items around the home.
Findings should be provided to you in the form of a comprehensive report together with a recommended action. It is vital that such a report includes an honest evaluation of the condition of the home, clearly relating existing defects and indicating potential problems.
and IS NOT…
A home inspection is not an appraisal, and vice versa.
An appraisal is the formal process of estimating a property’s value as it relates to a mortgage loan or mortgage insurance. It does not itemize defects or show potential problems in the home. Even a CMHC (spell-out?) appraisal does not fully attest to the condition of a home. To ensure an objective evaluation of a home’s condition, many lenders encourage home buyers to use private inspection services, and some employers reimburse home inspection fees as part of their relocation programs.
A home inspection report is not a warranty
Because a home inspection is a visual examination of the home and operating systems, it is not technically exhaustive. There is no assurance, expressed or implied, that equipment will not break down at some future date. However, such protection is available when a home inspection is complemented by a home warranty. When the services are used in conjunction with one another, a home warranty covers the items that were serviceable at the time of the inspection and subsequently fail due to normal wear and tear.
A home inspection does not detect every conceivable flaw
It is an inspection of those areas and items that can be seen. Home inspectors cannot see through foundation, floors or walls, and cannot inspect areas or items that are inaccessible and generally do not move furniture.
Christopher Lopez is the Franchise Owner of AmeriSpec Home Inspection Service for San Francisco and the Greater Peninsula. AmeriSpec is North Americas Leading Home Inspection Services (a subsidiary of American Home Shield). Celebrating 25 Years of Service and over Two Million Quality Inspections Performed. For more information Call 650-369-8800 or on the web at www.amerispec.net/westcity or www.amerispec.com , http://www.amerispecwestcity.blogspot.com/
Tags: buy, cliffnotesonrealestate.com, Foreclosure, homes, House, Real Estate, Redwood City, Redwood Shores, san mateo county, sfbayhomes.com, Short Sale, sotheby's