Increase credit score will save you money ~ 10 secrets

Why do you need good credit?

10 secrets

In the United States you can increase your credit score. It will save you money. Most citizens when they  want to borrow money from a bank are looked at by the bank as being credit worthy base their on their ability to pay off their debts. Banks when offering a mortgage to a home buyer will want to know that the home buyers will pay off the money they borrow.

The banks will automatically run a credit check on who wants to borrow money.

During this process the bank will research 3 different credit reporting agencies to decide what the FICO scores are.

Preserve you credit

Listed on this post by clicking on the read more link are 10 things that will impact your credit score. The more of these 10 things you have control over the greater the chances of the bank lending you the money to buy your new home.  

Everything you do with your finances has an impact on your credit score. Some things have a positive effect and others have a negative effect. Make sure you read these Top 10 Secrets on preserving your credit. They are easy to do and make all the difference when viewed by a mortgage underwriter of your lending institution.

Call me

If you would like to know more information about your credit and how it impacts your everyday life you can contact Cliff either by phone/text or email. The contact information is in the signature below.

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By clicking this link you will be able to read the 10 secrets to keep your credit. Read more…


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