What Does President’s Day Mean?

What Does President’s Day Mean?

What Does President’s Day Mean?

President’s Day ~ What Does It Mean in Redwood City

It’s Springtime again and the first major holiday after the Christmas season is here. When I was growing up and in grammar school we didn’t celebrate President’s Day. We celebrated and studied both President Washington and President Lincoln. In fact we had the actual day of their birthday off from school.  We also were taught what each President did for our country.

Today it’s only about the money and a three-day weekend off from work. For many, Presidents’ Day is nothing more than a day away from work with pay. Others scan online and in store flyers for coupons for discounts and 2 for 1 offers.

Have you ever wondered?

Have you ever wonder What Does President’s Day Mean? Initially, President’s Day was a Federal holiday to honor and celebrate ALL American Presidents, however, modern-day has shifted it to mean George Washington and Abraham Lincoln birthdays.

Prior to President’s Day, celebration of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were separate days from each other and George Washington was the only Federal Employee holiday. Seems right doesn’t it? As our First President of the United States of America was George Washington

The 90th Congress.

Then in 1968 the 90th Congress created a uniform system of Federal Monday holidays. It became law in 1971 resulting in the third Monday of the month of February would be the new President’s Day a.k.a. the Federal Monday holiday.

Ironically, the 90th Congress wrote the law for the official Federal holiday so that the Father of our County, George Washington, would never have his birthday celebrated on his real birthday.

The law the  90th Congress formulated for the new Federal holiday could not be any later than the 21st of February. Likewise the legal public holiday, by statue, is still to this day called Washington’s Birthday and was not changed by the 90th Congress.

It was States like California, Idaho, Tennessee and Texas who decided to NOT keep the Federal’s Washington Birthday name and change it to President’s Day and it stuck with the public.

Federal Washington Birthday vs. President’s Day

Today, President’s Day is the accepted name used and celebrated by many Americans. Some towns still see both Washington and Lincoln’s birthday on their respective birth dates and some even do re-enactments and pageants in the honor of both of these two Presidents.

The National Park Service also have a number of historic sites and memorials to honor Washington and Lincoln along with other important leaders of American history. Now you know What President’s Day Means and came to be celebrated as a 3-Day weekend.

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