7 Great secrets on how buying your new home now is a smart move

  1. 7-Great reasons why buying a house now is a attractive idea

  2. 7-Great reasons why buying a house now is a attractive idea
    7-Great reasons why buying a house now is a attractive idea
  3. 7 Reasons To Buy A Home

  4. Renting is not such a great idea today. If you are renting you know your landlord wants to and has increased your rent.  Some landlords are kinder than others.  Most landlords are going to raise your rent 8-10%! In 2015 you saw another 8-10% increase in rents.
  5. The increase in pricing of homes has already happened.  In fact for San Mateo County so far this year there is a 4.0% increase of home prices. That’s not much you may say, but is it more than your T-Bills yield after taxes?
  6. Interest rates are low.  Yes I know it’s getting old hearing this and it’s true. Last week 30 years, fixed rate, conforming loans were at 3.9% and on Friday they were at 3.77% for the same loan. I don’t think your grandparents had this low of a rate.
  7. Interest Rates for NON-conforming loans will start heading up someday!  In San Mateo county most homes sell for more than homes say in the Central Valley.  These higher prices mean a higher mortgage required to finance the new home and higher costs. Read more…
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