Five Deadly Mistakes Homeowners Make When Selling A Home

The Five Deadly Mistakes Made When Selling A Home

Five Deadly Mistakes Homeowners Make When Selling A Home
A SOLD Home!

Sooner or later, most homeowners will be in a place to sell their home. This post summarizes the top five mistakes that home sellers make. It’s simply because the experience is new to them and they don’t know any better.

 Mistake #1.  Using a Real Estate Agent Instead Of a Realtor 

When you’re looking for help in selling your home, it’s important to remember that the terms “real estate agent” and “Realtor” are not synonymous.

Mistake #2.  Failing to Maximize the “Curb Appeal” of Your Home

When you’re preparing your house for sale, remember you only have one chance to make that first impression.  A buyer’s first impression can decide whether or not they’ll choose to look inside.  It’s estimated that more than that 50 percent of shoppers decide to buy a home even before they get out of their car.  Recently Redfin did a study and found out 44% of home buyers purchased in San Francisco without even seeing the house! With that in mind, be sure to stand outside your home and take a realistic “fresh look.”  Then ask yourself (and your Realtor) what you can do to enhance your home’s “curb appeal.”  It will bare significant impact in your last sales price as well as the speed of your sale.

Mistake #3.  Not Appreciating the Buyer’s Point of View

You’ve got this.

Unreasonable though it may be, a prospective buyer would like to see a perfect home from top to bottom and inside and out.  To improve the likelihood of an easy, fast and profitable home sale, we suggest that you make sure the following items are in tip top shape:

On the outside

  1. Sweep the front walkway.
  2. Remove newspapers, bikes and toys.
  3. Park extra cars away from the property.
  4. Trim back the shrubs.
  5. Apply fresh, clean paint on your home, wooden fence, and outbuildings.
  6. Clean windows and window coverings.
  7. Maintain sprinkler systems.
  8. Maintain sealants around windows and doors.
  9. Make sure roof and gutters are clean and in good condition.
  10. Mow the lawn often and plant flowers.
  11. Keep pet areas clean.
  12. Take down out-of-season decorations.

On the inside

  1. The kitchen and bathroom should look and smell clean.
  2. Vacuum rugs and carpets (and have them professionally cleaned, if necessary).
  3. Place fresh flowers in the main rooms.
  4. Put away dishes, unless setting a formal display for decoration.
  5. Make all beds and put away clothing.
  6. Open drapes and turn on lights for a brighter feel.
  7. Straighten closets.
  8. Put away toys.
  9. Turn off televisions.
  10. Play soft music on the radio/stereo.
  11. Keep pets out-of-the-way and pet areas clean and odor-free.
  12. Secure jewelry, cash, prescription medication and other valuables.
  13. Consider removing unnecessary furniture and appliances from counter tops to create a greater sense of space.
  14. Consider baking cookies or lighting scented candles to create a homey atmosphere.

Mistake #4.  Thinking It’s Okay to Be In Your Home During Showings

Allow your Realtor to do his or her job without you on site.  Most potential buyers feel more comfortable if they can speak freely to their real estate agent without the homeowner present.  It may hurt your feelings to hear what a prospective buyer may want to do to your home. However, if they go down this path they have already moved in their mind and your home is SOLD! As a side not if anyone unaccompanied by an agent ask you to see your home don’t allow them in your home. Instead refer them to your real estate professional for an appointment.

Mistake #5.  Over-Pricing Your Home

Neon dollar

Perhaps the most challenging aspect of selling a home is listing it at the correct price.  It’s one of  areas where a skilled real estate agents can pay for themselves versus you trying to sell your home yourself.

If the listing price is too high, you’ll miss out on a percentage of buyers looking in the range where your home should be priced.  Some people think that if they leave some “wiggle room” in the price, they’ll always be able to negotiate and accept a lower offer.  This is not necessarily true. Chances are the offers won’t even come in for fear of alienating the home owner. Buyers who would be most interested in your home will not consider your home because of the high price, and fear of alienating you.  By the time you correct the price, you’ve already missed exposure to a group of potential buyers.

Listing price

The listing price becomes even trickier to set when prices are quickly rising or falling. Being aware is critical of where and how fast the market is moving – both when setting the price and when negotiating an offer.  An experienced, well-trained real estate agent is always in touch with market trends. Usually more often than appraisers, who typically focus on what a property is worth if sold as is, today.

What to do next?

The Five Deadly Mistakes Made When Selling A Home


To make sure you don’t make these deadly mistakes call/text Cliff Keith and Team for your FREE one-hour consultation at 650-346-7366.  You will be glad you did. After your conversation you will know the helpful tips for home sellers and not make the 5 deadly mistakes home sellers make when they are unaware of them.



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