Home-ownership Has Many Benefits

Home-ownership Has Many Benefits

Have your own garden
Weed pulling is one of the duties of a home gardener. Home-ownership Has Many Benefits


One of the things I have enjoyed most about owning my home from day one is my garden. The land a homeowner owns can be used in any way they want. I choose on my land to cultivate plant, tend, and harvest a garden. It brings joy to me by relieving me of the stress, which comes from being a Realtor.

It’s been said that having direct contact with dirt brings energy into the body that can reduce many human problems like stress, it slows down harmful diseases growth, it gives you a better night sleep, and promotes healthy blood cells and tissue. Pretty amazing from digging in your garden don’t you think? Is it true? I don’t know, but I do know I feel better when I have played in the dirt and left a little of myself behind. The plants love the CO2 I exhale and they give back to me pure O2.

Today in my garden, as always, was a day for weed pulling. I also harvested a new crop, one which I have never grown before, Walla Walla onions. They are so sweet that you could almost eat them whole. I didn’t, however I did eat a slice and it was delicious.

Home-ownership Has Many Benefits with a garden being one of those benefits


Besides the health benefits of working a garden you will get to see what most people don’t experience ever in their whole life. You get to eat fresh food without any chemicals or pesticides. There is nothing like eating food just harvested from the ground or off the vine. uuuummmm is all I can say!

I am allowing these Walla Walla onions to dry one day and then I am going to attempt to weave/braid them to hang in my garage. We should have enough onions to last a couple of months. It saves money at the store too. I like that.

The next time you wonder what to do with that big back yard, I highly recommend a garden. You will enjoy it, and in doing so will make your neighborhood a better place. Usually, gardeners plant more than they can eat and sharing with neighbors does make for a better neighborhood. Everyone wins.

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